Fractal BrushesTabris17 on DeviantArt

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Tabris17's avatar

Fractal Brushes



If you could :+fav: the brushes and leave a comment if you downlod these brushes, I'd appreciate that.

I hope ya'll like them :).

Edit3: Anyway, I've uploaded a version which is compatible with all versions of Photoshop from 7.0 onwards, so you don't have to click on the link below (but if you want to, go for it).

Edit: Oh, I forgot to say, there are 7 brushes.

Edit2: Okay, I think I have a version which should be available to PS7 users located at [link] You'll have to wait a bit to be able to download the file, so just hang on for the 45 second or so wait until you can download the file :).
© 2005 - 2025 Tabris17
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camorus----234's avatar
these look great thanks for sharing