Zhuchengtyrannus magnusT-PEKC on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/t-pekc/art/Zhuchengtyrannus-magnus-420728963T-PEKC

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Zhuchengtyrannus magnus



Zhuchengtyrannus magnus. Needless to say this is quite a speculative reconstruction being based only on right maxilla and left dentary.

This is almost certainly the artwork which is closing 2013 for me, unless I somehow find some time and do the last artwork for my Tyrannosauridae series - reconstruction of Alioramus altai. Well, I'm working on a lot of other artworks at the moment, but none of them can be shared for now. Maybe some of them will become public sometime in the summer, while others even much later.

Reference: Hone, D. W. E., K. Wang, C. Sullivan, X. Zhao, S. Chen, D. Li, S. Ji, Q. Ji, X. Xu. 2011. A new tyrannosaurine theropod, Zhuchengtyrannus magnus is named based on maxilla and dentary.- Cretaceous Research.

Medium: Ink
Done: 2013
Image size
8593x4734px 9.02 MB
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tpallier's avatar
Fabulous artwork :-)