T-PEKC on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/t-pekc/art/The-Last-Fall-663101283T-PEKC

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The Last Fall



"The Last Fall"

An unfortunate individual of the aetosaurian species Stagonolepis robertsoni is falling to its death, while a nearby passing Ornithosuchus woodwardi is suddenly offered a free lunch. In nature, in great many occasions, someone's loss and pain is someone else's gain. 

The scene takes place during the Late Triassic in what is now Scotland.

Medium: Watercolours and acrylics.
Done: 2017.
Image size
1000x1303px 1.67 MB
© 2017 - 2024 T-PEKC
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gigaspinorex's avatar
The scale details on stagonalops is absolutely gorgeous, I absolutely love all the moody colors in this piece it reminds me of a nice cloudy morning.