Mapusaurus roseaeT-PEKC on DeviantArt

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Mapusaurus roseae



Mapusaurus roseae. Pencil, 2008.
Image size
3480x2349px 1.69 MB
© 2008 - 2025 T-PEKC
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Nazrindi's avatar
This one reminds me of the one on the Geoworld card that comes with the Mapusaurus figure made by the same company, although yours is far more detailed and the patterns are different (and better, in my opinion). I hope they weren't copying your design. :( I looked online and can't find a link to that picture though, sadly. If you're concerned about it though, I can definitely scan it in and show you. I'm a big fan of your art and it would piss me off if someone happened to be ripping it off, especially a company that's making a lot of money, I assume. >:/