fractal mix brushesszuia on DeviantArt

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szuia's avatar

fractal mix brushes



Differents styles and sizes fractal brushes. Some of them are made from whole fractal, some from part of it.

I had a really big problem with making good preview, which shows how those brushes looks like, and I couldn't do it :P So I'm sorry that preview is not showing them good.

Hope you'll download and try them anyway:)

Rules? HERE.

18 brushes included.

HERE you can find my second fractal brushes set.

If you like my brushes - check out my gallery! There are more of them :)

If you downloaded and like them, please :+fav: them.
I spent some of my time making them and it'll make my work worthed!
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HentaiChimp's avatar
thank you for your brushes, want to make wallpapers with my art :)