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Powdered Donut may NOT be used in breedings, as he is a foal.
Donut! <3 Gosh I love this little guy. A little bit of adoptable backstory, I scrounged up a bunch of points to buy him, bought him, and then a few days later the designer tried to take him back from me because I hadn't drawn him yet in however many days it was. Even if I had've taken 10 years to draw him it was not within their right to take him back ahaha. But yeah, I told them to pound sand and blocked them. They're deactivated now, I hope wherever they are, they have learned and become a better person. =3
Designed By: @ishamallama
Species: Unicorn
Gender: Male
Parents: Queen Chrysalis the Changeling and @FlufflePuff622 's Flufflepuff the Earth Pony
Nicknames: Donut, Fluffball, Fuzzy Little Man, Cute Pink Fart
Residence: Ponyville
Personality: Donut is a happy little fluffball that seems to have no care in the world, when he gets his way at least. It's not often when he doesn't get his way considering he is a magnet for attention due to his sheer level of cuteness, but when he's told no, he turns into a little pile of grump that some may argue is just as cute as his normal disposition. Donut is capable of speech but he doesn't talk much, he lets his actions do the talking most often, the most you may get out of his his a happy giggle when he's in a good mood or an apathetic 'Meh.' when he's in a grumpy mood. He loves baked goods and sweets in general, some ponies think that sugar gives him more energy than it gives the average pony and it seems like the only thing he'll eat, if it isn't sugary he'll reject it. He is curious and adventurous, and enjoys all the attention he can muster up just. He loves his siblings Lovebug and Icing Sugar very much, Lovebug is a tad jealous of him due to the attention that he takes away from her but loves him none the less, and Icing Sugar looks up to him despite them both being the same age.
Main Interests: Sugary sweets and baked goods.
Voice Claim: Nancy Cartwright
Toyhouse: -
Theme Song: "Fox Stevenson - Sweets (Soda Pop) [Original Mix]"
As one would imagine by his interesting lineage, Donut was not born through normal means. One day while his fluffy Mother was lazing around in Twilight's tree with Chrysalis sleeping on her back, she hiccuped. As she did, a huge pink furball flew out of her mouth and bounced around the room a few times, then landed in front of her. The now awake Chrysalis looked down at in with a mixture of awe and disgust as Fluffle just stood there with a silly grin on her face. Soon the furball unfurled itself, revealing what was inside, a tiny grey colt almost entirely covered in a fluffy pink mane. It was as though Flufflepuff has part Parasprite, and who knows, she very well could be. He seemed like he was one hundred percent pony, until they got a good look at his horn, where a tiny heart shaped hole could be seen. The fluff and the horn hole were all they needed to know what he was, Flufflepuff had done it again, she had once again created a foal through magic. They soon found out the little colt had a huge affinity for sweets, even more so than his sister Lovebug did, he'd do anything to get his little hooves on even a little taste of it. Despite eating so much of it he never seemed malnourished or overweight, it was as if his body was made to process only sugar. Some say he is even made of sugar, as a white powder is always shaking out of his mane like snow. When he goes too long without sugar, not only does he get really grumpy, but the powered appearance of his mane disappears, it becomes completely pink and no more sugar falls from it when he walks. Though he's still so cute when he's grumpy, whoever is looking after him is always sure to feed him something sugary when this happens. His favorite foalsitter is Pinkie Pie who always has some candy on hand for him.
Lovebug wasn't too keen on having a little brother, he took some of the attention away from her as he was just as cute as her. It wasn't her fault that this bothered her though, when you literally feed on attention your natural instincts kick in if your food supply is threatened. She loves him regardless but is known to act jealous, trying to get in front of him when he's being looked at, telling him he can't follow her around, how most big sisters react to little brothers, at least when there's an age difference such as theirs. When they are alone however Lovebug is very affectionate towards him, and loves sharing her sweets. Donut loves to crawl into her mane and hide, it's so fluffy and warm.
When Lovebug is off grabbing some attention by herself, Donut doesn't have to be alone, for there is also a third sibling. Icing Sugar is Donut's younger brother born through more wacky Fluffle weirdness, they are almost inseparable, always getting themselves into wacky shenanigans. Where Donut doesn't talk much his brother can't seem to stop talking, pretty much doing all the talking Donut doesn't do for him. Icing loves sweets too but not nearly as much as Donut, he'll always give a portion of his candy to Donut if he ever gets any. He looks up to Donut a lot and Donut returns that by being very protective of him.
Quote(s): "Ehehe!"
"Sweets? pouts"
"Meh. >:c"
Friends: -
Siblings: My Lovebug the Changeling
Have a relative of Donut you want added to his ref or think your pony might be good friends with him and want them added? Feel free to comment their reference here! All relatives are accepted (if you don't want them to be canon to him I'll put Non-Canon next to their name), and pretty much all friendships will be accepted! Donut wants to be friends with everyone! <3