:randomdeviant:Synfull on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/synfull/art/randomdeviant-105999910Synfull

Deviation Actions

Synfull's avatar




Update (Jan 2013)
I have long wanted to update this emote to my current shading style and it's taken around 3 years to do so, but I finally got here. In the process I also decided to give each 'random deviant' their own eye style, swap the direction the look so they face the orange emote and reduce the number of frames.

Overall I'm pleased with the update. I always thought this was a useful emote to use around the site and it's good to finally see it on my modern day shading. I also hope to improve the random deviation button, and may also consider doing a 'random group' version now that has been implemented.

Original (Dec 2008)
I had this idea for a random deviant emote a couple of months ago. I had tried it quite a few times before, but never got the general layout looking good enough to spend a large amount of time on it to animate all the frames. When this happens, I keep a note of the idea and think about it. Then some time later, I get a sudden idea that sparks the emote off again. The same happened with squee and several others.

I'm really quite proud of how this turned out. I had originally wanted the emote to be in a slot machine, and the emote pulling the lever, but I think my final idea works just as well. This is the longest emote I have done in a while. The emote contains a total of 333 frames, of which approx 70 are hand created. Its taken me around an hour and a half to put it all together, but its worth it in my opinion :D

If your unfamiliar with random deviant, its a button that takes up to a random page on dA. There is also a random deviation button. These can be found in your customisable bar at the top.

**Feel free to use this emote on your website/forum for non-commercial uses without asking permission. However please do not claim it as your own work or upload it to your dA account as an unchanged deviation. Credit is appreciated with a link to my `Synfull page

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