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:doublehug: revamp



This still has to be one of my fave emotes and i have been meaning to update the shading for aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaages but never had the motivation. I finally got aroun to it and i'm glad i did.

At the same time i also re-arranged the colour order. As mentioned below someone suggested i stick the green emote in the middle and when revamping it this time i decided it would work well.

I also find it funny that each time i revamp this emote the set of friends this represents has changed, yet the colours still match the friends perfectly. Green, blue and purple ftw! :heart:

I tweaked a few parts of the animation, fixed up a glitch, updated the shading and reduced the canvas size. Overall i'm happy how it came out.

Every now and then i go back and review some of my past emotes. As time goes by my emote skills improve and my view of some emotes change as i feel i can do better now i know more. This was the case with double hug. Double hug was one of my last emotes made before i changed my facial expressions. You may notice that all my emotes now have a small mouth, where as on my older ones they only have eyes. I also have a certain position where i like the hands to sit.

Looking back on double hug, its not a bad emote, but i wanted to see what it would look like with my improvements. Personally i prefer this version

I must also note it was suggested that i stick the green emote in the middle as that one stands out a lil more and throws the balance off. However i chose to keep the original positions as to me that is part of the story behind double hug :aww:

This emote now has a plz account
:icondoublehugplz: -> :icondoublehugplz:

Version 2: [link]
version 1: [link]

**Feel free to use this emote on your website/forum for non-commercial uses without asking permission. However please do not claim it as your own work or upload it to your dA account as an unchanged deviation. Credit is appreciated with a link to my `Synfull page
Image size
50x19px 8.18 KB
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mockingbirdontree's avatar
That's very beautiful.:icondoublehugplz::iconjuggleplz:balloonSwing balloon  :icongrouphugplz::iconjuggleplz: