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[SFM] Lara Ponee [link in description]



Finalmente disponibile la versione pony di Lara Croft, spero vi piaccia, funziona con Source Filmmaker , molto probabilmente non con Gmod. Datemi credito se la usate in video o animazioni.


Finally available the pony version of Lara Croft, I hope you like it, work with SFM, probably not with Gmod. Give me credit if you use it in videos or animations.

Download link

:iconponinnahka:  originals pony model

:iconjuicedane:  enhanced pony

:iconstefano96:  cod guns

:iconaeridiccore: enhanced base

:iconsindroom: Gmod icon

:icongumlball: SFM icon

all the other stuff are of their respective owner

Crystal Dynamics Lara Croft  (and Tomb Raider)
Valve SFM
Hasbro MLP:FiM
Image size
3840x2160px 8.48 MB
© 2018 - 2024 Syndar
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serious-sam-64-64's avatar
"Probably not with Gmod?" Worth a try though...

Edit: Okay yeah, it just crashes the game...