PinkaminaSymbianL on DeviantArt

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SymbianL's avatar




Mainly experimentation on rain, water and moisture effects.
This was a labor of love and one of my favorite pieces.
A piece that I've been working on for about 2 weeks, going on and off.

I learned A TON on this one. XD

Older version
Pinkie Pie's Melancholy by SymbianL

Other Works
Blank? - Cherry Blossom by SymbianLPirate Rainbow Dash by SymbianLListen - Snowdrop by SymbianL
Image size
3500x4375px 3.53 MB
Date Taken
Jan 30, 2014, 7:37:57 PM
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xXLovingponiesXx's avatar
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star: Vision
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Originality
:star::star::star::star::star: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star: Impact

God this amazing~ I love pinkameana and I dunno I just like to see her this way. I mean you got the mane and coat color down and it goes so well with the background. You did a excellent jod with the rain and moisture for a first. The eyes, the eyes and rain brings out this amazing picture itself, originality you see a lot of pictures of pinkameana in the rain sad or crying but this is a test with the moisture and you were successful,maybe next time you can draw pinkameana and pinkie pie together and that's just my idea but, I say you earned a gold star for this piece of artwork. Keep the style and keep the amazing art coming.