HarmonySybilThorn on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/sybilthorn/art/Harmony-572520301SybilThorn

Deviation Actions

SybilThorn's avatar




This piece, inspired by A special Christmas present - Contest, has been planned for a while, but I finally was actually able to work on it. It took upwards of 10 hours to complete. I'm rather happy with the result! I recommend full view.

This piece is dedicated to Grey C. Dixon, :iconwhitetigerforever:'s son.

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Thank you to the following for their lovely stock! -
:icondayze-d: - skin deep beauty 2
:iconlilipilyspirit: - Buddhist Plain Silver Singing Bowl, Draped Devils Ivy
:iconholy-win: - hand model01 by Holy-Win
:iconmrhass-stock: - Coils n panel 2
:iconpixelchemist-stock: - Misc Objects 005, Misc Objects 010
:icondella-stock: - Metal Squiddy Spread
:iconblackevilweredragon: - Video Camera 3
:iconabsurdwordpreferred: - FREE Cogs Transparent PNG, Cogs transparent PNG, Gauges PNG, Industrial air conditioner
:iconaltaria13-stock: - Complex System
:iconblack-b-o-x: - Ivy by Black-B-o-x, Vine
:iconmonikac: - Borda10
:icontinalouiseuk: - Transparent Green wings, Antlers
:iconstarxdust-stock: - My pierced ear...new 1
:iconfantasystock: - Metal Rust Texture 21
:icongoodtextures: - Yellow Brick Texture 01
:iconpassagere-da: - Branches 2
:iconquaddles: - Industrial 140_quaddles
:iconsteppelandstock: - Bark and moss texture
:iconphantompanther-stock: - Cracks In The Ground 003
:iconlockstock: - Newton and Her Mommy pack 1
:iconcrushedovernight: - fawn
:icongd08: - Tap 01 HQ png
:icondamselstock: - Circuit Board by DamselStock
:iconpax-caryatid: - Connections
:iconneubie: - Down the Tubes
:iconsixwings: - Dark System
:iconjayjd2: - Metal Mask 2 Stock by jayjd2

Thank you to the following for their amazing brushes! -
:iconalicefaux: - hair brushes
Image size
4864x1785px 10.86 MB
© 2015 - 2025 SybilThorn
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Della-Stock's avatar
Super awesome!Thanks for using my stock