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Sprite Work: Halo (Grrl Power)



Made a sprite based on one of the characters made by :icondavebarrack: for his awesome comic 'Grrl Power'. 

Sydney Scoville Jr., the latest addition to ArcSWAT, the premiere superhuman team in the world of Grrl Power. A nerdy comic-book loving girl in the midst of some of the most powerful people of her world. While not exactly possessing powers of her own, save for a ridiculously high tolerance to dangerously spicy foods and a nasty temper, that changed when she stumbled upon some mysterious orbs (the things floating about her head, thus giving her the codename 'Halo') that grant it's user various powers, though really only about two at a time so far (or one per hand). Flight, Force Field, Energy Beam, Telekinetic Tendril, and Telepresence. The abilities of the last two orbs are still a mystery. She was soon approached by Archon (the heads of ArcSWAT) to join their team.

I've grown quite fond of the story, characters, and humor of the comic... so tried my hand at making a sprite for Halo. Made using Dungeon Fighter Online sprites, as the mage/witch characters have the right body type for her. The Orbs come from FF7, the 'Materia Slot Icons' from the Inventory/Stats screen.

Hope you, and :icondavebarrack: enjoy.

Also check out his comic:
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832x262px 16.53 KB
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