achromatic for burgSWOriginal on DeviantArt

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achromatic for burg



Some people requested a simple theme that ties in with most bios screens so here it is...

theres no heavy branding so its really simple.

1 - Once downloaded extract the .zip

2 - Press alt+f2 and type "gksu nautilus /boot/burg/themes"

3 - Right-Click and cut the extracted folder "achromatic" then paste into the folder you opened in step 2

4 - Exit your file browsers & open terminal from accessories then type the following "sudo update-burg" then "sudo burg-emu -D", press "t" on the burg-emu screen to select achromatic from the list

(type all commands without the "")
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is there a "normal" windows 8 icon available for this theme?