SwirlyPenHP on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/swirlypenhp/art/Sydney-Scoville-Jr-517233276SwirlyPenHP

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Sydney Scoville Jr.



Sydney Scoville Jr. is the main nerdy and ADD heroine from the webcomic grrlpower.com. It's a great read, really. Sydney has control over these nifty little orbs and each gives her a different kind of power. The blue one lets her fly, the purple one has a lighthook, the reddish one fires a really cool laser (PPO, if you're hip), the navy one generates a shield, and the yellow one gives her truesight and telepresense. The other two haven't been revealed to her yet, but I bet they're gonna be awesome. Sydney also has a tendancy to swear worse than a sailor who got his leg chopped off, so that's why I made her symbol as it is. I worked very hard on this and can only hope that the creator DaveBarrack enjoys it, seeing as how Sydney apparently is a Brony, too. 
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800x600px 97.94 KB
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Wait a second.  She needs to grasp the orbs in hand to use them.  But as a pony, she doesn't have hands to grasp with?  Hooves, how do they work?