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She Flew



Yup, I stole the idea from the Alien Nine manga (mine's a bit different though!), so I give credit to Hitoshi Tomizawa. I wanted to make this a girl, but then my brother thought it was a I don't know why, but this is one of my favorite drawings. Believe it or not, but it took me quite a while to do this. I love the simple-ness of it ^__^ SOoOo...I couldn't think of a title, my brain was a little out of whack today. Hope u like!
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446x735px 26.96 KB
Β© 2003 - 2025 sweetrice
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soudou's avatar
Cool, I enjoy seeing people do their own take from the Alien Nine world. I like your idea here. The silhouettes in the manga etc. are really striking and you've done a great rendition of that kinda theme here. Looks like a nifty character that could fit in the series. Nice work :)

Alien Nine is a pretty unique series, I run a fansite for it at [link] if anyone wants to know more about this obscure show. :)