Sweetochii on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/sweetochii/art/Comic-Constructive-Criticism-274496888Sweetochii

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Comic- Constructive Criticism



The truth about this comic is that there really IS a lot of immature people out there who will troll so hard on your art work in the art community sites. Luckily I haven't come across a troll yet but when it comes to asking for constructive criticism and you're uber popular on DeviantArt or any other site where you host your art, you will have immature people NOT giving you the constructive criticism you asked for... xD;

Image size
1252x570px 421.14 KB
© 2011 - 2024 Sweetochii
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The image is cropped too much and her wings are too small to fly.

... what can be considered constructive varies. What is definitely NOT constructive is when the same thing - ESPECIALLY things like "she's not hot enough" - is repeated multiple times.