sweetlygrotesque on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/sweetlygrotesque/art/Bubble-Pipes-Guardian-210916273sweetlygrotesque

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May 7, 2012
Bubble Pipes Guardian by ~beatlezeebub
Featured by Astralseed
sweetlygrotesque's avatar

Bubble Pipes Guardian



Annoying too few characters for the title again...

The real title is Guardian of the Bubble Pipes of Creation

Chameleon-eyed bear makes quick work of upstarts seeking to obtain the destructive/creative power of the cosmic bubble pipe.

another spazterpiece...
the colors are fairly close on my monitor, dunno about yours... 50 x 40 cm

EDIT: put up a better scan with revised color and less distortion.
Image size
936x722px 508.82 KB
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Phoenix-61's avatar
Stunning work on detail