Pixel Flag - V (Victor)SweetlyCanada on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/sweetlycanada/art/Pixel-Flag-V-Victor-1016631624SweetlyCanada

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Pixel Flag - V (Victor)



So, I know it's been a while since I uploaded anything (let alone pixel flags), as I have been terribly unmotivated, but I just found these International Code of Signals (ICS) flags that I had made out of boredom in May of last year. I only just now decided to upload them to show I am still alive and well. I only made the flags of the letters, but if these end up being liked, maybe I just might make the numbers as well. :D (Big Grin) Of course, I'm not sure how much use they'd be to anyone on dA, but I'm sure you guys might find something for them.

For those who are unfamiliar, ICS flags are various flags used by boats and ships to communicate with one another, usually in regards to safety of navigation and/or related matters. While the ICS is the universally used system, various navies have flag systems with additional flags and codes, and other flags are used in special uses, or have historical significance.
V (Victor): I require assistance (as a single flag), velocity in kilometers per hour (when used alongside numeric complements)
Bullet; Blue Free to use! No credit necessary but is very much appreciated either way!
Made in Paint.NET
Image size
16x16px 194 B
© 2024 - 2025 SweetlyCanada
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