SweetLunar on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/sweetlunar/art/Beach-Lambda-Batch-June-closed-801537704SweetLunar

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SweetLunar's avatar

Beach Lambda Batch June (closed)



In celebration of the Lambda prompt this month decided to do an all lambda batch.
Each one had some kind of affiliation with the ocean/ water! 
Surf's UP! 

 $40.50 each
comment below to claim C:
Don't send payment until I tell you how please.

No points
No refunds
No art trades

1. Helianthus-Sorceress sold
2. moved
3. Tenshilove 
4. Helianthus-Sorceress sold

5. Helianthus-Sorceress sold. @
6. caitzel sold 
7. moved
8. moved

9. Chisai-Yokai (pay royalties on my side/ trade)
10. theKiraKitten sold
11. bigbyshand sold
12. Chisai-Yokai sold

Each adopt comes with this bathing suit version and a naked version. C:
Upon retrieval of payment, I'll note you the stash files so you can download them. (separate files)

If you would like a trait list, please let me know and I'll tell you. A lot of these I'm gonna have to explain lol!!
15% of the profits will be going to the Candyfloss group paypal,
these profits will be used to maintain the closed species. 

Other open adopts
Arcade Candyfloss + Limited Time Paizo Pets (open) by SweetLunar

Candyfloss are a closed species created by the lovely Tenshilove 
This means you are unable to have your own unless you purchase a MYO slot or adopt.

Base c Tenshilove 
Adopts c by me/ SweetLunar please credit me as design creator and do not remove my watermark
Image size
4504x5000px 5.92 MB
© 2019 - 2024 SweetLunar
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Helianthus-Sorceress's avatar
I can’t help it </3 Can I get 4 and 5? I’ve been meaning to get them for weeks tbh, they would look like such a cute couple together in my opinion. I NEED TO SHIP IT.