7982 Trust My RageSweetLittleVampire on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/sweetlittlevampire/art/7982-Trust-My-Rage-442964099SweetLittleVampire

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7982 Trust My Rage



OMG, what a lineage. :stare:

Wouldn´t have managed it without DatNachtmaehre´s help; she deserves fan art for it. :hug:

But he´s beeeeeaaaauuutiful! :love: I mean c´mon, look at him!

And before you ask – yep, partially inspired by MCU Loki. But I always loved the colour combination green and gold…My grandma used to have a golden fantasy necklace with green beads, and I was allowed to wear it as a kid when I was playing dress-up. It was my favourite thing, I always thought it was so pretty.



Name: Trust My Rage

Nickname: Rage

Color: Black laced tobiano peafowl

Genotype: EE aa nPwl nTl

Gender: Gelding

Age: 8

Build: 40 % Andalusian, 50% Friesian, 10% Draft

Height: projected to be up to 16.00

Breed: Purebreed Nordanner


Personality: Rage is the embodiment of confidence;  sometimes he may even appear a bit too confident, speak: arrogant. Besides this trait he enjoys fun and hanging around with his equine buddies. He is loyal and respectful to those who show him respect, and thus the perfect partner once you bond with him. He is a perfectionist; everything he does – even if it is playing a prank on the people around him – is planned out well. He doesn´t like losing, and he will always do his best in the show ring (if he doesn´t you can be pretty sure there´s something wrong with him). He can be very gentle and loving around beings he cares for, but also very protective, and even dangerous when infuriated.

Likes: Attention! Besides that: going on adventures when he´s in the mood, but he also likes quiet moments where he can be by himself. Everything he considers beautiful; for instance he loves to watch the Northern Lights if he gets the chance to.

Quirks/Dislikes: He might be hot-headed when he´s angry (usually he thinks before he acts). Has a tendency to get jealous; he dislikes it when you openly favour someone else. Is not overly fond of thunderstorms for whatever reason. Doesn´t like to be left all alone for too long.


------------------------------------------ SSS: 231 Little Timmy (starter)

----------------- SS: 5726 WF's As You Like It

------------------------------------------ SSD: 514 Goldie  (starter)

Sire: 7463 WitchDoctor's Gentleman

------------------------------------------ SDS:  1280 CDS Atlantis' Downfall :star:

----------------- SD: 3523 MFS Dark Moon Gold

------------------------------------------ SDD:  2561 Siberia  :star::star::star::star::star:

------------------------------------------ DSS: Smeltet is 1379 :star::star:

----------------- DS: JK's Hand That Strikes 4765

------------------------------------------ DSD: Dovahkiin #885 :trophy:

Dam: 7720 Mystic Stranger

------------------------------------------ DDS: Rangoon 4645 :trophy:

----------------- DD: Bjork 5313  :trophy:

------------------------------------------ DDD: Golden Girl 509 :trophy:  (starter)


Continued from the sire line:

SDSS: 113 Dane's Expresso  :star::star::star::star::star: (starter)

SDSD: 477 Heart of Atlantis  :trophy::trophy: (starter)

SDDS: 1372 DDS Ohzaxuzief  :trophy::trophy:

SDDSS: 460 A Coming Exodus  :trophy::star::star::star:  (starter)

SDDSD: 132 EWS Shiramasu  :star::star::star::star::star::trophy: (starter)

SDDD: 901 Nameless Liberty  :trophy::trophy: (starter)


Continued from dam line:

From  Smeltet is 1379 :star::star:  :

DSSS: Natfjer 1267 :trophy::trophy:

DSSSS: Daimhin 476  (starter) :trophy::

DSSSD: Femme Fatel 840 :trophy: 

DSSSDS: Arina 474 Deceased (starter)

DSSSDD: Shiya 98 Deceased (starter)

DSSD: Ice Cream Sundae 1338

DSSDS: Eximius #27 :star::star::star::star::star: (starter)

DSSDD: Aithne 850 :trophy:

DSSDDS: Rhyfedd 120 Deceased (starter)

DSSDDD: Ulmende 149 Deceased (starter)


From Dovahkiin 885 :trophy:


DSDS: Majeed 126 :star::star::star::star::star::trophy: (starter)

DSDD: Eowyn 11  (starter)


From Rangoon 4645 :trophy:


DDSD: AS Amontilado 965 :trophy: (starter)

DDSS: Flower Power 3268 :trophy:

DDSSS: I know Kung Fu 147 :star::star::star::star:  (starter)

DDSSD: Desert Orchid 2537 Deceased

DDSSDS: Draco 1659

DDSSDD: ArDes Desert Royalty 506 :trophy:  (starter)

DDSSDSS: DHF's Apocalypse 454  (starter)

DDSSDSD: KEC Maybe Means No 1260

DDSSDSDS: BR Silverlight 193 :trophy::trophy:  (starter)

DDSSDSDD: KEC Road to Mordor 395

DDSSDSDDS: AS Hey Arnold 424  (starter)

DDSSDSDDD: SKG Panthera 119 :trophy: (starter)


Related to the following Peafowl starters

DBVR Majeed 126 :star::star::star::star::star::trophy:

ES Golden Girl 509 :trophy:

Ulmende 149  Deceased

Eximius 127 :star::star::star::star::star:

Shiya 98 Deceased

NWS Daimhin 476 :trophy:


Related to the following Laced Tobiano starters

113 Dane's Expresso

132 EWS Shiramasu  :star::star::star::star::star::trophy:

901 Nameless Liberty

514 Goldie


Related to the following Panda starters

ArDes Desert Royalty 506 :trophy:

I know Kung Fu 147 :star::star::star::star:

AS Amontilado 965 :trophy:


Related to the following Fawn starters:

SKG Panthera 119 :trophy:

Shiya 98 Deceased

NWS Daimhin 476 :trophy:


Related to the following Bloodsplash starters

Shiya 98 Deceased


Related to the following Atlanticus starters

477 Heart of Atlantis


Related to the following natural starters:

Eowyn 11  DHF's Apocalypse 454

AS Hey Arnold 424

BR Silverlight 193 :trophy::trophy:

Rhyfedd 120 Deceased

460 A coming Exodus :trophy::star::star::star:

Little Timmy 231

Arina 474 Deceased

Breedings: :bulletred: NONE. Gelded. :bulletred:

I talked to both Heca-Bitch4Life (the sire owner) and Astralseed (the dam owner), and they are okay with him being gelded.

We agreed that it might be nice to have a long lineage on a mutation horse, but that it would be equally insane to breed with a horse with such a monster of a lineage.


Accepted Foal/Import Design:

7982 Trust My Rage - Design Holder by SweetLittleVampire

Breeding note: nordanner.deviantart.com/admin…


Both Daily Tack and Dragon Hunter Tack

Nordanner Tack Design for Trust My Rage 7982 by SweetLittleVampire



The Sound Of Thunder by SweetLittleVampire


Ancestors with “Quality Blood” status: 24

 231 Little Timmy Star!Star!
113 Dane's Expresso  Star!Star!Star!Star!Star!
 - 460 A Coming Exodus Star!Star!Star!Star!Star!
Eximius 127 Star! Star!
- Rhyfedd 120 Star!
Eowyn 11 Star!Star!Star!
 KEC Road to Mordor 395  Star!Star!Star!Star!
DHF's Apocalypse 454 Star!
1280 CDS Atlantis' Downfall Star!
 1372 DDS Ohzaxuzief Star!Star!Star!Star!Star!
Ice Cream Sundae 1338 Star!Star!
2561 Siberia  Star!Star!Star!Star!Star!

Ancestors with “Excellent Blood” status: 67
 - 477 Heart of Atlantis  Trophy
 Golden Girl 509 Trophy
 132 EWS Shiramasu  Trophy
Majeed 126 Trophy 
 SKG Panthera 119 Trophy 
- Shiya 98 Trophy
AS Hey Arnold 424 Trophy
-ArDes Desert Royalty 506 Trophy
 I know Kung Fu 147 Trophy
Arina 474 Trophy
 Daimhin 476 Trophy 
 Dovahkiin 885 Trophy
 901 Nameless Liberty  Trophy
 Femme Fatel 840 Trophy
Aithne 850 Trophy
 AS Amontilado 965 Trophy
 Natfjer 1267 Trophy
 Flower Power 3268 Trophy
 Rangoon 4645 Trophy

Ancestors with “Supreme Blood” status 

 -BR Silverlight 193 :trophy::trophy:

Kaaring through Pedigree = 95  


:bulletblack: One registration, colored, headshot or full body:

1 point

:bulletblack: Uncolored art (0.5 points per picture) :


:bulletblack: Partial body, colored (0.5 points per picture) :


:bulletblack: Full body, colored, no or plain backgrounds (1 point per picture) :


:bulletblack: Full body, colored, painted backgrounds (2 points per picture) : 

The Sound Of Thunder

:bulletblack: Show entries OR training images OR Dragon tack images: +1 point (not stackable) :


:bulletblack: Show Placings:


:bulletblack: Animations (+2 points) :


→ 3 points so far


The Levels


95/15 :star: 15 points

95/30 :star::star: 30 points

95/45 :star::star::star: 45 points

95/60 :star::star::star::star: 60 points

95/75 :star::star::star::star::star: 75 points


95/200 points

1/400 points

Kaaring through Pedigree = 95  + 3 picture points = 98 Star!Star!Star!Star!Star!


Reference by EquineStockImagery

Design by SweetLittleVampire (me)

:iconnordanner:  © :iconcloudrunner64:Cloudrunner64 & :iconbrindletail:BrindleTail

Image size
4961x3508px 16.99 MB
© 2014 - 2025 SweetLittleVampire
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MissDudette's avatar
GOLLY that is beautiful. Wow...  He and Sygn would have had beauty babies!