Trades - On HoldSweetDuke on DeviantArt

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SweetDuke's avatar

Trades - On Hold

28.1K Views1 Collected Privately


This is my stamp and plz account collection, feel free to use! ^ ^ Comments & favs are appreciated. C:

Entire set:


Type :icon________: for each plz account icon you want to use, filling the blank with the USERNAME of each plz account, NOT YOUR USERNAME. (e.g., :iconrequestsopen:)

    :iconnorequests: :iconnotrades: :iconnocollabs: :iconnocommissions: :iconnopointcommissions: :iconnogifts: :iconnokiribans:

    :iconrequestsask: :icontradesask: :iconcollabsask: :iconcommissionsask: :iconpointcommissionsask: :icongiftsask: :iconkiribansask:

    :iconrequestsopen: :icontradesopen: :iconcollabsopen: :iconcommissionsopen: :iconpointcommissionsopen: :icongiftsopen: :iconkiribansopen:

    :iconrequestsclosed: :icontradesclosed2: :iconcollabsclosed: :iconcommissionsclosed: :iconpointcommishesclosed: :icongiftsclosed: :iconkiribansclosed:

    :iconrequestsonhold: :icontradesonhold: :iconcollabsonhold: :iconcommissionsonhold: :iconpointcommishesonhold: :icongiftsonhold: :iconkiribansonhold:

    :iconrequestfriendsonly: :iconarttradesfriendsonly: :iconcollabsfriendsonly: :icongiftsfriendsonly:


Copy & paste the Thumb code on the stamp you want. Click here for a tutorial!

    Requests: When someone asks you to make something for them (for free).
    :bulletblack: No
    :bulletyellow: Ask
    :bulletgreen: Open
    :bulletred: Closed
    :bulletpurple: On Hold
    :bulletblue: Friends Only

    Trades: When you make something for someone and they make something for you in return.
    :bulletblack: No
    :bulletyellow: Ask
    :bulletgreen: Open
    :bulletred: Closed
    :bulletpurple: On Hold
    :bulletblue: Friends Only

    Collaborations: When two or more people work on one piece of art (e.g., one person draws and the other person colors).
    :bulletblack: No
    :bulletyellow: Ask
    :bulletgreen: Open
    :bulletred: Closed
    :bulletpurple: On Hold
    :bulletblue: Friends Only

    Commissions: When someone pays you (with real money [Paypal or mail]) to make something for them.
    :bulletblack: No
    :bulletyellow: Ask
    :bulletgreen: Open
    :bulletred: Closed
    :bulletpurple: On Hold
    :bulletblue: Friends Only

    Point Commissions: When someone pays you (with dA points) to make something for them.
    :bulletblack: No
    :bulletyellow: Ask
    :bulletgreen: Open
    :bulletred: Closed
    :bulletpurple: On Hold
    :bulletblue: Friends Only

    Gifts: When you make someone something (for free) for their birthday, because they’re awesome, etc.
    :bulletblack: No
    :bulletyellow: Ask
    :bulletgreen: Open
    :bulletred: Closed
    :bulletpurple: On Hold
    :bulletblue: Friends Only

    ACEOs: Trading card-sized drawings that usually feature one character, animal, object, etc. [EXAMPLE]
    :bulletblack: No
    :bulletyellow: Ask
    :bulletgreen: Open
    :bulletred: Closed
    :bulletpurple: On Hold
    :bulletblue: Friends Only

    Kiribans: Rewarding people who catch your important pageviews. [EXAMPLE]
    :bulletblack: No
    :bulletyellow: Ask
    :bulletgreen: Open
    :bulletred: Closed
    :bulletpurple: On Hold

Stamp template by $zilla774

      :above: BEFORE you ask what something is, please read the definitions! :above:

Image size
100x50px 12.67 KB
© 2010 - 2025 SweetDuke
Cryztina's avatar
Sorry for bothering you but could you explain what the difference between
"_____ on hold" & "_____ closed" is? ^^
I would appreciate if you could answer =)
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