Sweet-DooDo on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/sweet-doodo/art/I-love-Feedback-212160294Sweet-DooDo

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Daily Deviation

January 31, 2012
I love Feedback by ~Sweet-DooDo - who doesn't? A great stamp to use to encourage people to give you feedback on your work.

deviantART Related / Deviant Stamps
Featured by namenotrequired
Suggested by LadyofGaerdon
Sweet-DooDo's avatar

I love Feedback



Plz Account: :iconfeedbackloveplz: by :iconstarrberry: thank you so much!!
feel free to use the stamp, and the plz account without credit, just dont claim it as your own !!

thank you so much everyone for all the faves and the comments !! 2000+ favs !! :faint: i cant say how thankful i am in words! im so sorry if i didn't reply to all the comments, i replied to the ones i saw, but maybe some just slipped or i didn't see them or something! thank you so much again !! and now my hands are killing me :stare:

EDIT 2 (31.1.12)
OMGGGG !!!! A DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK !!!!! :iconeeeeeplz::iconeeeeeplz::iconeeeeeplz::iconeeeeeplz::iconeeeeeplz::iconeeeeeplz::iconeeeeeplz::iconeeeeeplz::iconeeeeeplz::iconeeeeeplz::iconeeeeeplz::iconeeeeeplz: THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH =LadyofGaerdon for actually suggesting it and ^namenotrequired for the FEATURE !!! OMG THIS IS A. A. A. DREAM COME TRUE !!!!! I GOT A DD PPL!!!!!! now i regret ever moving..:c

note to everyone who faved this, please go to my new account *D-Kidou as im no longer active here.
AND OMG I GOT A DDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

im so sorry if i cant thank everyone in person, BUT THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE FEEDBACK!!!!

OMG!! SO MUCH FEEDBACK IN SO LITTLE TIME!! omg thank you all soooo much! this really means alot to me!! thank you!! you gave me more feedback xD thanks whoever commented and faved!! thank you thank you thank you!! thank you!!!!!!

i swear there's nothing more on dA that i love than feedback messages..they make me happier. much much happier. and i like comments much more than faves. well there is one more thing i would love to have..a dream come true..a DD ^^; well who doesn't dream of that? and yea i rarely get the feedback msgs :(

anyways in case you can't read what's written it's: "i love feedback"
Image size
101x50px 3.61 KB
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