sweatyfish on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/sweatyfish/art/ProjectX-2-ObjectBar-98669566sweatyfish

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:: ProjectX 2 ObjectBar ::



An ObjectBar theme made to match the ProjectX 2 visual style. This is an attempt to replace the start menu and taskbar with organized menus and system commands similiar to those in Gnome.

I have set up the Places menu so that it opens up places based on the current user's documents. So no editing your locations needs to be done there. However, you will need to populate your own Applications menu shortcuts. (instructions included)

Vista (I have not tested this on XP)
Full version of ObjectBar 2.x (I tried making it with 1.6x, but I find it too buggy for Vista) Full version is needed to apply themes that don't come with the demo (unless you figure out a workaround)

ProjectX 2 ObjectBar theme
Basic Setup Instructions in PDF format

ProjectX 2 Visual Style
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where can i get full version of objectbar?