Swawa3D on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/swawa3d/art/TrackMania-2-Stadium-skin-413768792Swawa3D

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Swawa3D's avatar

TrackMania 2 Stadium skin



I created a skin featuring my renders for the TrackMania 2 Stadium car. Visit Maniapark for more info or if you want to download the file for use in the game.

To install it you just copy the zip and loc files to the following directory: DocumentsManiaPlanetSkinsModelsStadiumCar

It also partially works with the older free game, TrackMania Nations Forever although the wheel & driver colors will not show.  The directory is: DocumentsTrackManiaSkinsVehiclesStadiumCar
Image size
1280x960px 886.24 KB
© 2013 - 2024 Swawa3D
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Vaskania's avatar
Cute skin. I saw this the other day while browsing Maniapark (saw it there first- I haven't logged in here in a couple months). My thought process literally went something like, "hey, wait.. is that.. i think... it is!". Pretty neat to spot something in the gaming world that I can recognize from the 3D world.