Swawa3D on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/swawa3d/art/Superman-vs-HULK-Cheap-Shot-409532882Swawa3D

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Superman vs HULK: Cheap Shot



I usually create original characters and single panel scenes with no text so this was something really different for me.  I have always been a comic fan so I figured I would give it a shot.  I want to thank ~freddylupus and *VASS-comics for all the excellent advise on this project, they really helped me grasp the concepts of comic book art.

One of the ideas behind this render is that Superman's base strength starts out higher than the HULK's, however Superman would only wear out over time while the HULK keeps getting angrier and thus stronger.  Superman attempts to take out the HULK fast before it's too late and to minimize collateral damage.  Will Superman's cheap shot be enough to incapacitate the HULK? Or will it only bring HULK's rage and strength to a new level?   

If this is well received I will consider continuing it with a part 2 when I have a chance.  That is if I can come up with a good idea, or maybe I should have a vote to determine what happens next?

DAZ Studio 4.6 Render

Content/Plug-ins Used: Atmospheric Effects Cameras (depth), Advanced Ambient Light, Skies of Economy, City Ruins: Building 04 & Vehicles, Carnival Entrance (modified flag), Dystopia City Blocks 011-020, Ron's Brushes, Supersuit, Cape for Supersuit, Boots & Belt for Supersuit (heavily modified), Subsurface Shaders, K-Nicky Hair, WildMane Hair, Various Genesis Morphs, Garibaldi Express Hair (eyebrows), Dental Plan, Mr Hyde, Abominable, Freak 5, Michael 5, Hiro 5 (hand), 220 Emotions for Genesis

Image size
1920x1080px 1.7 MB
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