swapnil36fg on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/swapnil36fg/art/Elegant-for-windows-7-509300666swapnil36fg

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swapnil36fg's avatar

Elegant for windows 7



Download from :- genuinevs.blogspot.in/2015/01/…

:bulletblack: Elegant visual style for windows 7

                                          Windows  HOW TO INSTALL Windows 


:bulletblack: Compatible for both x86 & x64 system (aero mode only)


:bulletblack: Package included 9 visual styles in five versions , readme file.


:bulletblack: first you need to install ultra ux theme patcher or ux style as per x64 or x86 your requirement included in package


:bulletblack: Install theme resourse changer included in package as per your system requirement.


:bulletblack: copy & past all fonts from font folder to c :\windows\fonts\


:bulletblack: copy & past both theme file  from theme v1 & theme v2...theme v5 folder to c:\windows\resourses\themes


:bulletblack: Go to personalization & set the theme & restart your pc first


:bulletblack: enjoy..........  Love 


Watch video on YouTube which shows how to install this theme properly :-youtu.be/pQ716lqVu20

Elgant for windows 8/8.1 :- fav.me/d6suau1

Wallpapers use from :iconminteastwood: & :iconsnipes2: :iconjivebs: :iconleoatelier:

Elegant dark 2.0 for windows 7 : fav.me/d9irfe4

Minimal inspiration for windows 7 : fav.me/d95iv6s

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Most beautiful theme, thanks