Heya everyone!
Name: Sophie Louise Svetlana Broster
Age: 24 years old
DOB: 23/11/94
Nationality: British
Height: 5'3
Natural Hair Colour: Brunette
Natural Eye Colour: Green
Currently: Graduating Uni... Holy shit!
Nicknames (or other names I have been called): Aspect of Death, Aunty Soap, The Brain, Chicken Little, Cpt’n, Cpt’n Shi-chan, Dr. Broster, Dr. Foster, Hika, Hikaru, Horsey, Lana, The Lana, Lanie, Lead, Little Sophers, Lou, Louise, LouLanie, LouLou, Lousie, Lu, Lulu, Midget, Mighty Midget, Mog, Moogle, Moogle-face, Phoster, PillowButt, Rapunzel, The Road Gnome, Saopy, Shi-Chan, Soaphy, Soapy, Soap, Soapp, Soaps, Soapus, SoapyBAR, SoapyDoo, Soapykins, Soaappyloopy, SoapyLouise, SoapyLouLanie, SoapyPoo, SoapyPoop, SoapyStars, Soffie, Sop, Sopay, Soph, Sophia, Sopie, Sops, Soso, Soup, Soupy, Supa Soapy, Svet, Svetta, Svetto, Svetty, Svetty Chan, Tiny Pop, Trouble, Twin, Twindle, Twinnie.
(Feel free to give me a name,
I'll add it to my list )
SvEtLaNa73 = One of my middle names + 7 + 3
I chose my middle name because its unique to me,
I have a birthmark on my neck which is like freckles but in a shape of a 7,
and I picked 3 because 3 is a magic number
Wifey&Twinnie Nutsy Cwistina
Bob Becky Robot
Maddie McFlyBoosh Big Ben
Tara emiemilyyy Nicky-bum
Liam Alana Jo
Joshyy Laurenn Emyy
Mashi_kun Shabihh Codykins
Valorie Dawnn Ashy Boy
Pummii Besp Tomm
Chinoo Sachinn Jayy
Julieee Stephhh Pat
XbadX Rena-Chan Mik0
♥Cosplayer♥Friends♥ (Cosplayers who I've met)
Jessy HamHams Kick-Ass
SkyrimLover EdBot Ste
Liam Dr. Who? Honey
Loki Sora Demyx
Axel GCard WhiteRabbit
If you would like to colour anyone of my drawings,
please feel free too. ^^
Just let me know in some shape or form.
Current Residence: England
deviantWEAR sizing preference: Ermm what's a UK size 6/8 in whatever dA does sizes in?
Personal Quote: 'Giggle-a-giggle' 'Dodgey... Dodgey Quiche' 'Bear withs'