Let me start off with telling you what motivation is and why you need it.
A motivation is a reason behind doing something a certain way to work yourself up to a certain goal. Just having a goal but no understanding of how to get there, means you have no way to motivate yourself and your goal will be hard to reach.
Therefore motivation is needed desperately in order to become truly good at something.
The motivation to eat is the feeling for hunger and the end goal of ending the hunger and feeling healthy and energized. This type of motivation is a feeling.
Which brings me to: Intrinsic motivation and Extrinsic motivation.
Shortly explained:
Intrinsic motivation: Is a drive that comes from within the person itself. It's a self-desire to seek out new things and new challenges to see how far you can reach to observe and to gain knowledge. This person can enjoy the struggle towards a goal absent the reward.
Extrinsic motivation: This is a motivation that comes from outside influences. This type of motivation is purely driven by the rewards of the end goals or the fear of not reaching them.
The cheer of a crowd (or the praise of an audience) is a much desired goal for someone who works with an Extrinsic motivation method.
You will likely recognize yourself in one of them or perhaps a bit in both from time to time.
I personally recognize both in myself and often when I realize I'm steering towards extrinsic motivation I move away from sharing my work as I will miss out on great opportunities and skills and will loose the joy of creating.
How to motivate yourself in a most healthy way?
What are your goals? If they are of an extrinsic motivation you will have to come with some Intrinsic motivations instead.
So let your goals be: Want to be able to draw what I image. Want to be able to express my feelings into an artwork. Want to become really good at anatomy as I am incredibly interested in this topic.
If you lack interest into some art fundamentals (perspective, lighting, etc) try and think of small projects where you'd need such fundamentals that cam excite you in a way that learning such things will be fun. You often hear things as: You must want it as much as you want to breath. This can only be true if getting there makes you as happy as being there.
Do not try to reach to high with every step but grand yourself small term goals.
How can someone else motivate you?
Someone else can only motivate you if you take that person's methods to heart. It's best if this person has similar goals as you and also works as an Intrinsic motivator towards him/herself. Being influenced by someone that is an extrinsic motivator can lead to jealousy, de-motivation and even depression.
Avoid these goals:
- Getting praise and recognition from the community.
- Earning a lot of money.
- Must quickly make art for money or I will starve.
- Making someone proud of my status.
- Must be part of a specific group.
- Want to be famous.
I think these are quite obvious but often very tempting and desirable. They will have you work to quick and skip essential parts of become truly good in your craft.
Do your research!
If you got that on dream goal: Wanting to work as in illustrator for Wizards of the coast, wanting to be a concept artist for Blizzard. Or perhaps simply want to be good at making your personal artwork. You will have to find out what skills you need to train to be at such a level to work professional. Study the people that have your dream job and find out how they got there can be a trivial thing to help you. If as an outsider you see (example): The last of us and think, 'Hey, what I need to do here is make pretty pictures of overgrown streets with car wrecks and I can build that from a few photos.' You will be doing it all wrong.
To determinate whether or not an image is good is to ask what the image is for. An illustration for a book cover is usually to intrigue the viewer to gain interest into reading the book, while a concept art image is made to clarify or find the best design of a certain aspect of a game so that lighting artists and 3D modelers can build this properly. The end goals of both images are completely different from one another. More about these things can be found in this article:
Get yourself in a state of flow.
It's hard to keep motivated if other things are motivating you towards a different direction. Hunger can motivate you to go make some food. A bill laying on your desk can distract your art motivations with worries. A bad setup of your work space can make you too uncomfortable to work. So make sure that you got your life and environment in order as much as possible to get the most out of your time and to keep yourself motivated towards a singular direction. If everything runs smoothly you can get in a state where all other things become numb and you can completely focus yourself on your work. (More on this at Titus Lunter's artcamp!: )
Here are some other journals that help you find your personal motivation.
Are you on the right track? + Fuck Talent!Am I on the right track?This is a thing people often wonder and think it's a complicated to find out, but it is actually pretty simple. It's a different question you need to ask yourself based on different topics.As for: Fuck talent! You'll find it if you scroll down :P :bulletblue: Topic 1: Am I on the right track to becoming a better artist? Does your work from today, look closer to your initial goal than your work from last week? (this needs to be both in skill and idea.):bulletgreen: Good skills: Honing your technique, training you muscle memory, being more knowledgeable about your tools and art rules. With art rules I mean:...
What to do as an artist in training.There are many ways to Rome they say. But I meet a lot of aspiring artists lost and asking me for guidanceand this is what I tell them. (This is a revisited version of an old journal with new and updated guidelines/info) Find out what you really want to do with art, there are so many different professions or hobbies to take on.Graphic designer, Concept artist (mobile and high end), Illustrator of book covers or for card games and so much more.Once you can make your pick, or at least pick 1 or 2 you must do research on the most valued artwork from that niece. Find out what makes the best artist of your favorite field the best artist. What ...
A big black hole called: Procrastination.Procrastination is an infinite cycle that becomes bigger and bigger the longer it's there and the time wasted being sucked into it is a dark matter of nothing. :P hahah I figured this was the most dramatic way to put it, but yeah, it's real and it sucks.For those who don't know what it means: Procrastination is the practice of carrying out less urgent tasks in preference to more urgent ones, or doing more pleasurable things in place of less pleasurable ones, and thus putting off impending tasks to a later time, sometimes to the "last minute" before the deadline. We all suffer from procrastination. It is pretty innocent when you have it ...
The problematic behavior of online artists.There is a bunch of things online artist do terribly wrong on a regular basis. Some of it might be directly aimed to you and some might be things you from others. Shortlist::bulletblue: Way too little time spend on painting/practice.:bulletblue: People making nit pick pointers.:bulletblue: The extreme fuzz about labels and methods.:bulletblue: Witch-hunting/ talking smack.However I'd like to start with a totally opposite note:This year I've also experienced great support from the art community for which I'm dearly grateful for.:icontituslunter: got me an amazing birthday gift(video), made by him and fellow awesome artists: https://www.fac...
Are you being honest with yourself?As part of becoming good at something you need to be able to reflect upon yourself. Judge your own abilities and work and consider the possibility that what ever you have been doing it wrong all along. Or perhaps you're actually being to hard on yourself and you're better than your conscious is telling you. (This is bad too because it leads to insecurities.) Signs that you might overestimate your current skills. Do you often feel these things when you look upon work from good artists?: I can totally do this too. This is not so hard, I can do this faster. My work is way more interesting. It's not fair that this person gets way more attenti...
Fast lane to becoming a better artist.I often get this very question: How did you get this good this fast? Now as I consider myself not being as good as people tell me, even struggling quite often with being an artist in general. I do know how to get better and how to reach it fast. I'm still growing as I go and it's the main thing that keeps me going.You need to get into the right mindset and the rest will follow. With the rest I mean:1. Willpower.2. Endurance.3. Positive energy.4. The NEED to draw.:bulletblue: Seeing growth in your work gives you the courage to work harder. You know that feeling when you're just about done with an imageand feel like this image is better tha...
The stuff that artists go through.There are so many pro's and con as to being an artist, professional or as a hobby. It feels nice to be able to express yourself through something you make and when that something turns out to be looking good we get this sense of accomplishment. Most of the time though there are bad feelings mixed with the good ones.:bulletblue: Not being understood. Those moments where your friends or family does not understand that you have to desire to be alone and work on your art. Those copious amounts of hours you spend working and they wonder why you wouldn't rather be outside relaxing in the sun or hang out with your friends.The only people who w...
When inspiration is far to be found...We all get these anoying times when we really want to make something cool, get inspired and work that magic. We see everyone around us (online) do it, but how come we are not? So we look for ways to get inspired, we ask around, find these usual answers: go watch a film, listen to music.. take a walk...But even when we do that, we still end up stuck most of the time. Part of the solution is knowing WHY we get stuck and this is my theory.:bulletblue: ADT - Attention Deficit Trait. 'Experiencing an inner frenzy of distractability, impatience, difficulty in setting priorities, staying focused and managing time. Those are our biggest enemies as...
All my other journals:
The 5 bullshit myths of concept art.Concept art is getting bigger and bigger. More people know what it is nowadays, it gets shown in the media more often and more books get released. This automatically results into more people wanting to become concept artists. So many artschools are now creating special courses all towards game art or concept art. (Game art can also include UI design, 3D modeling etc.).Yet it is a fairly new thing to most people and the idea of "becoming a concept artist" has grown rapidly over such a short time that a lot of people who are new to it seem to get a lot of misguide info. I am going to try to list this misguided info and direct you to the corr...
Are you on the right track? + Fuck Talent!Am I on the right track?This is a thing people often wonder and think it's a complicated to find out, but it is actually pretty simple. It's a different question you need to ask yourself based on different topics.As for: Fuck talent! You'll find it if you scroll down :P :bulletblue: Topic 1: Am I on the right track to becoming a better artist? Does your work from today, look closer to your initial goal than your work from last week? (this needs to be both in skill and idea.):bulletgreen: Good skills: Honing your technique, training you muscle memory, being more knowledgeable about your tools and art rules. With art rules I mean:...
How to win Art-contests! (+ Caldyra winners!)Let me start by saying how incredibly happy I am with all these amazing and inspiring entries! This definitely calls for doing another such contest soon! Most of you have really tried their best and it shows! I couldn't have asked for better or more, choosing the winners among these was already aching my brains. This journal will show the winners and the special mentions but also a bit about how to higher your changes on winning contests (maybe good for the next one). This was my contest for those interested: How to win contests?! The change on winning a contest always gets smaller based on the amount of people joining in, however this do...
A big black hole called: Procrastination.Procrastination is an infinite cycle that becomes bigger and bigger the longer it's there and the time wasted being sucked into it is a dark matter of nothing. :P hahah I figured this was the most dramatic way to put it, but yeah, it's real and it sucks.For those who don't know what it means: Procrastination is the practice of carrying out less urgent tasks in preference to more urgent ones, or doing more pleasurable things in place of less pleasurable ones, and thus putting off impending tasks to a later time, sometimes to the "last minute" before the deadline. We all suffer from procrastination. It is pretty innocent when you have it ...
What to do as an artist in training.There are many ways to Rome they say. But I meet a lot of aspiring artists lost and asking me for guidanceand this is what I tell them. (This is a revisited version of an old journal with new and updated guidelines/info) Find out what you really want to do with art, there are so many different professions or hobbies to take on.Graphic designer, Concept artist (mobile and high end), Illustrator of book covers or for card games and so much more.Once you can make your pick, or at least pick 1 or 2 you must do research on the most valued artwork from that niece. Find out what makes the best artist of your favorite field the best artist. What ...
Where to get started before you can apply for workThere is no such thing as suddenly knowing when you are ready to turn yourpassion into your profession. But there is a way of measuring your chances on beingable to get work and eventually sustain a living from it. Accepting commissions or freelance for low payment won't help you. You can think any penny counts, but it will lower the worth of your work and damage the market. :bulletblue: How to measure that you are ready? You probably have high goals, but they are usually not your first step. You must search out the clients who can be that first step. Often found in the card game industry, book cover illustrations and smaller game co...
This is why you (and your art) get ignored.People often get the sense of being ignored in the art-scene, especially here online. We all try so hard to get our foot in the door, it's like trying to stuff yourself in an overfull bus like a sardine in a can. Sometimes you just want to socialize with other artists you admire and you seem to be talking into a brick wall or perhaps you've send your portfolio to a company over a dozen times and still don't even seem to get the smallest response or feedback. I will try and tell you WHY you get ignored and HOW you can get noticed instead.I will go through the following cases of being ignored: :bulletgreen: Your comment. :bulletgreen: Your a...
The problematic behavior of online artists.There is a bunch of things online artist do terribly wrong on a regular basis. Some of it might be directly aimed to you and some might be things you from others. Shortlist::bulletblue: Way too little time spend on painting/practice.:bulletblue: People making nit pick pointers.:bulletblue: The extreme fuzz about labels and methods.:bulletblue: Witch-hunting/ talking smack.However I'd like to start with a totally opposite note:This year I've also experienced great support from the art community for which I'm dearly grateful for.:icontituslunter: got me an amazing birthday gift(video), made by him and fellow awesome artists: https://www.fac...
Don't let the crap of the internet brainwash you.warning: This journal is my opinion and my view on things. I support open-mindedness and the possibility of anything. The internet is full of it: People with strong opinions. Usually about 'how to do things' and 'how to absolutely not do things'. Ask any given person this question: What is good art? They will all give you a different answer and some of those answers are waaaay to specific for their own good. Meaning they have a very specific view on what is good and see other work that does not meet up those qualifications as: bad, fake or cheating. It is natural to have a preference toward certain topics or techniques when making art, but...
The stuff that artists go through.There are so many pro's and con as to being an artist, professional or as a hobby. It feels nice to be able to express yourself through something you make and when that something turns out to be looking good we get this sense of accomplishment. Most of the time though there are bad feelings mixed with the good ones.:bulletblue: Not being understood. Those moments where your friends or family does not understand that you have to desire to be alone and work on your art. Those copious amounts of hours you spend working and they wonder why you wouldn't rather be outside relaxing in the sun or hang out with your friends.The only people who w...
Overcome your unfair obstacles.We all have certain obstacles that gives us the feeling of: 'This is so unfair!.' To me it's one of the most annoying feelings in the world because in general we don't really know how to deal with it. One little part of us says: 'Don't whine about it, you are just being jealous.' the other part of you tells you: 'If I didn't have this obstacle or disability I would rule the world!!'So you bounce around anger, sadness, hopelessness and envy. If you were just sad about something or simply angry it would be a lot easier to deal with, you cry or you just vent a bit towards a friend. But how to deal with he feeling of unfairness? :bulletblu...
Fast lane to becoming a better artist.I often get this very question: How did you get this good this fast? Now as I consider myself not being as good as people tell me, even struggling quite often with being an artist in general. I do know how to get better and how to reach it fast. I'm still growing as I go and it's the main thing that keeps me going.You need to get into the right mindset and the rest will follow. With the rest I mean:1. Willpower.2. Endurance.3. Positive energy.4. The NEED to draw.:bulletblue: Seeing growth in your work gives you the courage to work harder. You know that feeling when you're just about done with an imageand feel like this image is better tha...
Why it's so important to unite as artists.We are with many though yet we are with few. We're all divided over little subgroups such as, fantasy illustrators, concept artists, comic book pencilers, photomanipers, techartists, anime drawers, realism sketchers etc. You might even find your place at multiple sections.I found that the biggest united groups on Deviant Art are mostly evolved around fan art, such as Sonic, or My little pony. Observations aside, I think the good thing about those groups is that they serve for companionship. Being an artist all by yourself with no one to share/talk about/discuss your work with can feel rather lonely. And that lonely feeling is not encourag...
Are you being honest with yourself?As part of becoming good at something you need to be able to reflect upon yourself. Judge your own abilities and work and consider the possibility that what ever you have been doing it wrong all along. Or perhaps you're actually being to hard on yourself and you're better than your conscious is telling you. (This is bad too because it leads to insecurities.) Signs that you might overestimate your current skills. Do you often feel these things when you look upon work from good artists?: I can totally do this too. This is not so hard, I can do this faster. My work is way more interesting. It's not fair that this person gets way more attenti...
When someone brings your art down...Putting our art out there makes us very vulnerable, especially when you've made something close to your heart. Perhaps something of your own fantasy, a story, a fan fiction your passionate about?As much as most of us really want to improve, we also simply want to make art because we love it and when we share it there is a slight hope there is someone out there who will love it too.There are all kinds of ways other people can bring you down by saying something about your art, or by doing nothing at all! Perhaps YOU are even part of making someone feel down and you're not realizing it!:bulletblue: The harsh critique. This person might want ...
How to deal with or get feedback.Getting feedback or critiques may be hard for people.Some people want it really bad but can't seem to get it, at least not from the people he/she is hoping for.And other get it all the time but feel a little attacked or bullied by it.Pretty much anyone with eyes and some intelligence is able to spot mistakes or irregularities in someone's work. This person doesn't have to be more skilled than you. However, this person... might be wrong.... :bulletpurple: How do you judge a critique?You initially made your artwork according to the knowledge you currently have. Leaving room for mistakes in the elements you're not trained or knowledgeable ...
So tired of not achieving what you want?So tired of not achieving what you want?:thumb351497375:Everyone has something they really want dearly, a career, to have a certain loved one, to be able to make certain things...The most common one among us artist are:- I want to be able to draw better- I want to be able to draw like "this"person.- I want to earn money with my drawing.- I want to be able to draw what I imagine in my head.- I want more people to appreciate my art.- I want more feedback from artists I admire.- I want more..- I want better....All this wanting.. dreaming of... hoping for.How about doing it!! With these sort of "wants", it's a matter of DOING IT!How? You ask?T...
Avoid getting ripped off by a client.As a freelancer most of your business takes place online, which makes it really easyfor people to rip you off. How many times have we seen the following scenario's:1- Someone offers a descent payment for your artwork but wants you to do an art-test first.after the art-test you're being told you're not good enough. Later you find out that other peoplegot to do different art-test topics and also weren't good enough. The client clearly ripped people off to get free artwork.2- Someone offers good money for your artwork. The sketch gets approved so you continue working. Right when it's done the total image suddenly becomes a great disappointmen...
The emotional shield that prevents hurt.Being an artist = Being sensitive. We all know it. Making something and then showing it out there makes you very vulnerable, emotionally. What if people think it's shit? What if they think it's weird... what will they think? Will that reflect on how they think of me as a person?I know what some of you are thinking right now... 'You should care less about what people think of you or you art.' In a sense you are right.. than again, you SHOULD care what people think of you and your art! They are your market and potential clients. It's easier when you're already doing your dream job and couldn't care less for other potential directions... but ...
Being a miserable artist = being a bad artist.I recently felt it being one of the most important things, not just for an artist; being happy with what you do. No one wants to get up every morning thinking.. shit .. another work day. Of course there can be days, maybe even a full week of that, but the majority of your time you should be feeling content and happy even.With that lack of love and enthusiasm it is most likely reflected into your work.Now it's not always your own fault that your work doesn't make you happy and doesn't feed your creative monster. But it can be in these cases.You make your OWN workday miserable when::bulletblue: If you don't speak your mind and stand up for y...
Timing fucking matters.Time does a lot of things, it makes you older, it gets you to places, it never stops going forward. However you control when and how you use it!Everyone makes choices on a daily bases, most of them are actually done with your auto-pilot function out of habit. Most people usually sit in the same spot on the couch, chooses what to wear based on previously made combinations and so on, unless they consciously become aware of their action and might decide it's time for a change. It can be a small thing that makes people aware of their options You can count that pretty much every person out there works like this and YOU often depend on THEIR cho...
Things I learned at: The Industry Workshops 2014Holy shit amazeballs... this past weekend.... But let me start of by shortly telling you what the industry workshops actually were. (The artwork in this journal are from some of the lecturers.) :bulletblue: What is: #IW_14? The Industry workshops took place last weekend August 29 to 31 2014, at 2 venues both located at Hoxton Square, London United Kingdom. It was organized and hosted by a group of industry professionals in the fields of concept art, matte painting and illustration in film, games and freelance. Let me name the people that profited the lectures and demo's from 10 in the morning to 8 in the evening, ending with a 1+ hour QA...
When inspiration is far to be found...We all get these anoying times when we really want to make something cool, get inspired and work that magic. We see everyone around us (online) do it, but how come we are not? So we look for ways to get inspired, we ask around, find these usual answers: go watch a film, listen to music.. take a walk...But even when we do that, we still end up stuck most of the time. Part of the solution is knowing WHY we get stuck and this is my theory.:bulletblue: ADT - Attention Deficit Trait. 'Experiencing an inner frenzy of distractability, impatience, difficulty in setting priorities, staying focused and managing time. Those are our biggest enemies as...
A simple guide on: Commissioning an Artist.It's often not as simple as one wants it to be when both artist and client want it to be: Cost efficient, time efficient and quality efficient. I've often spend my time discussing the best way to handle commissions with clients and artist friends that I came to the conclusion that clarity and understanding is key. I will divide the guidelines I work with based on 3 commission types. :bulletblue: Character commissions. :bulletblue: Book covers ( or illustrations) :bulletblue: Concept art.Reading all 3 parts will give you the full scope as a lot of it applies to one another as well.:bulletgreen: Character commissions.:bulletblue: 1. Referenc...
The Key to keeping yourself motivated properly.Let me start off with telling you what motivation is and why you need it.A motivation is a reason behind doing something a certain way to work yourself up to a certain goal. Just having a goal but no understanding of how to get there, means you have no way to motivate yourself and your goal will be hard to reach. Therefore motivation is needed desperately in order to become truly good at something.The motivation to eat is the feeling for hunger and the end goal of ending the hunger and feeling healthy and energized. This type of motivation is a feeling. Which brings me to: Intrinsic motivation and Extrinsic motivation.Shortly explained: ...
Thanks for all the comments! I will do my best to reply to most of them, even if it sometimes takes a while, reading these always cheers me up a lot!
Wanna ask me direct questions? Come hang with me on Twitch sometime where I paint and give feedback
Suzanne Helmigh Twitch channel
Disclaimer: The artwork posted in my journals are not always made by me but artists I admire. This is my way of sharing their incredibly work with the rest of you. All these journals are based on my personal experience and that of artist friends. English is my second language and I have dyslexia so do note I am prone to make mistakes. I write these journals to remind myself of the things I've learned.
Thank you!