Favourite Visual Artist
Salvador Dalí, Theodor Kittelsen, Gustav Klimt, Beksiński, Giger
Favourite Movies
Fountain, Into the Wild, Mists of Avalon, Pan's Labyrinth, Waking Life, Hobbit
Favourite TV Shows
Game of Thrones, Battlestar Galactica, True Blood, Angel, Vikings, The 100
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Omnia, Dead Can Dance, Lisa Gerrard, Azam Ali, Shiva in Exile, Faun, Carbon Based Lifeforms
Favourite Books
Mists of Avalon, The witch of Portobello, American Gods, Hobbit, Witcher
Favourite Writers
Neil Gaiman, Tolkien
Favourite Games
TES IV: Oblivion, TES V: Skyrim, Eve Online, Vampire the masquerade: Bloodlines, Syberia
Favourite Gaming Platform
PC, LARP, boardgames, pen & paper
Other Interests
linguistics, art, photography, jewelry crafting, nature, universe, mythology, ogham, tarot, gemstones...