Guess Who's Popular Enough to get Tagged?

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Sutunari's avatar
This kid.

Tagged by :iconaisheyru-fox:

Won't share my full name but my first name is Elizabeth. I prefer "Beth" though since Elizabeth sounds so...regal and pretty. It doesn't suit me very well LMAO

Star sign:
Leo. |D Actually it used to be Leo but now I think I'm technically Cancer? Since there was some new star sign added for some reason and now everything's all wonky. I don't pay much attention to star signs to be honest. If you lived long enough you would eventually become all of the star signs anyway so there's not really much point haha.

Average hours of sleep:
Oh gosh I'm not sure?? Probably 7-5. I have days where I sleep a normal amount but lately I've been getting under five because someone I can't tag yet keeps keeping me up when I have class at 8 in the morning you jerk.

No just kidding I love every minute of it. <33

Lucky Number:
I have no idea honestly. My favorite is 18? I don't really consider that to be "lucky" though. :'D

Last thing I googled:
I know it says "last" but this is too funny.

"How long does it take for rigomortis to set in"

and then 20 minutes later

"Don't kinkshame me"

Cause that's not suspicious at all.

Favorite fictional character(s):
SAAANNNSSSSSSSSS. I'm also pretty fond of Russia from Hetalia, Kyoya Ootori from Ouran (even though I am too old for Sempai now oh how the tables have turned), Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist- uhm. //squints There's more. I know there is. Amaterasu from Okami. Uuummmm. Spyro the dragon. And a lot more haha I can send people a list if they're really desperate to know. x'D

What are you wearing now?:
White jacket with horizontal rainbow stripes across the chest. Black Fullmetal Alchemist T-Shirt with a graphic of the Elric brothers on the back. And jeans that are a bit too big. Black socks. Blue, purple and white Sketchers shoes. I'm at school right now or I wouldn't have so much on.

When did you start this account?:
2011 apparently. Feels longer.

Amount of watchers: 
51 watchers  holy cow thanks guys???

What do you post?:
Mostly group related stuff. I'm pretty sure everything I've posted in the past year has been HHG/Krosfox/KoA related. :'D I don't have much motivation to draw for random reasons anymore whoops.

Do you run any more blogs?:
Is this a blog? I wouldn't count dA as a blog per se. I don't really get on other websites though, no. Besides Youtube but I'm sure that's not where that was trying to go.

Do you get a lot of comments?:
Only on litter images LMAO well apps sometimes get comments on them now too, but. Mostly litter images. xD

Why did you choose this username?:
Well I wanted something "Ishia" related since that's what I usually try to use. It had already been taken when I was trying to find a username though. I used to be active on Furcadia and had recently made an alt called Sutunari, so I tried that and it somehow worked. So now Ishia and Sutu are my common names around the internoots. Except Youtube because you always gotta have an outlier am I right

Eight People I'd like to Learn More About (Don't Worry if You Don't Want to Fill it Out):
Oh gosh I don't know; all of you? Some of you were already tagged though.

:iconmoonlightwalk: Take your time though, Hun! I know you're busy. <3




//squints I think that's it.
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Lunar-Imagination's avatar
Fav fictional character ftw! XD

And welp.. I've tagged twice for this type of thing! gotta do it now. =P