No doubt Postnikov wants to do the same with the Ursanians, Yashchenko with the Simians
i see
But Ponomarev doesn't strike me as some who does it too. At least not behind the SP Ducks' backs
I see
In the Mighty Ducks series, the ducks always mention "show"
Tanya: Yeah, or next week the show will be called The Mighty Mondo Man.
Chameleon:And from now on, the show's gonna be called The Mighty saurians!
I also have a script when the Mighty ducks became baby ducklings
Pamela:I have to find a way to become grown ups again or this show will be called "the mighty ducks Babies".
Hi there, how are you?
I'm very well
I was just checking on the notes and i couldn't find one where you ask your valentine pic