when sureya meets enakei...sureya on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/sureya/art/when-sureya-meets-enakei-335283223sureya

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sureya's avatar

when sureya meets enakei...



[ OH NOES... SUREYA PUTS WATERMARK ON HER LINEART...?!!!!!!!! what r we going to do...?!!!! :cries: :cries: :cries: ]

okay... don't start chewing on ur pencils just yet... just continue reading this...

1st of all... finally i had the time to finish this... if u read the comments on the sketch b4 i did mentioned that i recently got a new manga project... the editor wanted me to design the characters in enakei fashion style... so i started to research on it & thus came up with the practice drawing... it's a simple drawing, didn't take much time to ink...

so what do u think...? does enakei look good in my style?

anyway... just recently there was some drama with art thieves... lately more & more of my drawings & also colored versions of my drawings r being stolen and used commercially without permission...

most of them would say that there r no watermarks on the drawings so they thought they could just take it for free... so u want watermarks...? okay then here's ur f**king watermark... don't mess with my drawings anymore you damn thieves... :pissedoff:

[ but what about us, the innocent people who color ur work just for fun...? :tears: ]

this is open for coloring. you can color this in any way you like, and post it on your account as long as you leave me the proper credits that i deserve. please do not use it to make profits or distribute it anywhere else without my consent. thank you.

this lineart is available for downloads here :   when sureya meets enakei... by sureya

now... aren't u glad u read this all the way through...? ^^
Image size
1366x1924px 486.89 KB
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TheIronWaffle's avatar

Thank you so much for all your inspiring work that we get to color! :heart:

Here's my version of it :)

Autumn (When sureya meets enakei)