two princes page 01... WIP 3sureya on DeviantArt

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sureya's avatar

two princes page 01... WIP 3



wha...? why is she posting this same page again...? like the title said, this is a work in progress... & i am currently learning to play around with screen tone effects... so just bear with me... ^^;

last time, a lot of people say that the roses were too much of a distraction. & staring at it again for a few hours, yeah, i do agree... firstly, the flowers stood out too much... they are too vibrant that they catch the eye more than the character itself... so i decided to make them lighter... but then, why do they still distract my eyes...? then i thought, maybe it wasn't a good idea to slap in those large blooms smack in the blank space... so i decided to move the pattern, so that it would look like the panels are cut out & pasted on colored pattern paper...

i tried getting rid of the flowers, but i find myself liking them too much... they create something different to the composition...

so, what do you think?

the previous stages : two princes page 01... WIP 02 by sureya
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PHangman's avatar
hey. heeey! really like :omg: