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Windows 7 Taskbar Iconizer



With one simple click, you can turn your Taskbar in to a Windows 7 like Iconized Taskbar, also, you can revert the changes.

This app was inspired by Vishal Gupta, from [link] .

UPDATE: Fixed an error with the restore feature.
Thanks go to :iconexglade: for helping out.
let this be a lesson, never code when your tired.

This message is for everyone, ok?
As i have said over and over and OVER again, i have shrunk the box down as much as possible. any text / whatever that you may have still in the box is due to the skin that your using.

If you have Text in the box still, then use another skin. Sorry to be so damn blunt, but if you skim through just the comments on the page, you will see that a lot of people have complained about it, and as i point out every time, it is not my fault.

please do not blame me, change your skin, or blame the author of the skin.
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