SysTray Recycler 1.3b1SuprVillain on DeviantArt

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SuprVillain's avatar

SysTray Recycler 1.3b1



Ok, so, lets see...

New, original Icons, while following the same Style as the prior art, i assure you, this is new, original art work.

Fixed the two bugs for the Options windows, the "Start with Windows" checkbox has been fixed, along with the "Delete after X many Items" has been fixed too.

Removed the offending artwork folder that was in the prior release.

Hopefully this works for everyone. I wont do any more updates to this (i mean releases) until i figure out multilanguage support, a show a few people have expressed interest in this :D

Now, If you dont like the new artwork, dont forget, you can change the artwork icons by clicking on the respective icons and selecting a new icon.

If any one wants to make an "Art Pack" for STR, I would be very interested in seeing it!

NOTE: The "Cancel" / runtime 74 error has been addressed and fixed, from when you go to change an icon, and then cancel out of the task. Thanks to a real team player to spotting this for me!
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muy bueno el blog gracias por sus sabias aportaciones