Send To Other LocationSuprVillain on DeviantArt

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SuprVillain's avatar

Send To Other Location



This is actually an app that I wrote in 2003! I have been using it since Windows 2000 on every system that I have had.

* Self Installs (links) itself in to the SendTo menu
* You can browse for other folder, the app will remember them.
* You can also Drag and Drop files in to the file list box (left) and it will get added to the Que.
* You can choose to Copy a file, or to move it.
* You can choose to make a Short Cut, Add in "Shortcut to..." or to give the shortcut it's own special name.
* The app now inherits whatever Visual Style you may be using.

Once the app has been self-installed, you can use it in the SendTo menu to choose files to send to another folder.

I had to do a bit of re-writing, i had to update a bit of code to work with Windows XP and higher. I updated this app when I took my break from the Unicode translation system found in STR.

I dont know if anyone else will like this app, if not, oh well, if you do like it, then cool, glad that you like it!
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SavageCharms's avatar
I use this like crazy...thank you!  Love