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Replace Icons App



So I had this idea. People wanted to change the available icons from my last two apps, STR and StBM, and I made it possible, but what if they did not like the app's Icon itself?

This is a small app that should be very popular with hackers, themers and customizers. You can specify an app, to have it's display Icon changed, then choose the new Icon, and click on "Replace Icon".

If your currently running the app, it wont let you do the change, then app that your changeing the icon on cant be running or in use, or else you will get a message letting you that it cant be done.

Now, for the only limitation. This is a VB6 app. That means that it can only use icons that are 24bit depth or lower. I am trying to make this app in .NET (or i will try some time soon) so that we can use up to 32bit depth support.

But as far as now goes, your limited to 24bit depth icons, sorry.
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drsouvikkumar's avatar
i tried it for utorrent, but after successfully replaced icon, utorrent did not open,