''Breaking the Habit'' by supershadowhuntr95, literature
''Breaking the Habit''
You always told me my hair looked better when worn long and curled. You always told me I was not the type to pull off winged eyeliner or bold, colorful lipstick. You always told me I looked like a boy if I didn't wear skirts or dresses. You always made me present myself a certain way . . .
. . . but now you're gone, and I no longer have any idea who I truly am. "Memories consume, like opening the wound" that has been left on my heart. You shaped me - molded me - until it was almost impossible for me to begin fresh.
Until that time, however . . .
I wake up at 8:15 in the morning so I don't waste the entire day like you hated.
Look at an ol
The World You Know is a Lie by supershadowhuntr95, literature
The World You Know is a Lie
Reaghan sighed happily and propped her elbows up on the balcony railing, residuals of her laughter still tickling the tip of her tongue like the last bite of a sugared strawberry. She laid her head atop her clenched hands for a moment before turning only her face sideways to look at him, her long red hair cascading down over her right shoulder and the edge of the balcony as if she was Rapunzel. With her head still resting on her fists and her right cheek taking the bulk of the pressure, only her left eye was fully open. The iridescent purple flecks that dotted her grey-blue irises glistened in the waning light. “You really get me,
Adults (and most teenagers, too)
often take great offense being called
a "baby." The use of the word generally
implies that you can't
take care of yourself.
But honestly, just what
is so wrong with being called
a "baby"? As a baby, you
are the only innocent
party when shit hits the fan.
As a baby, all you have to worry about
is whether or not your caregiver remembers
to change your diaper or
feed you (spoiler alert,
they will pretty much
Stress . . .
It weakens you,
Breaks you,
Cuts you down -
Its difficult to know when it will hit.
Its only goal is to dominate over all
With whips -
And chains -
And weapons of mass destruction.
The truth? It hurts.
Not everyone survives.
But if you do,
You get