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Rough Cogsworth Animation



And by that title I mean EXTREMELY rough... It's really crappy so far. xD I really need to get back go work on it. But I draw Cogsworth so differently now... Heck, I might just start over, lol

It's just Cogsworth turning around, being all surprised by something... By what, I dunno.

Uhh. Enjoy :D Sorry if it's a big file.

Cogsworth (C) Disney
Image size
852x838px 438.24 KB
© 2008 - 2024 SuperRamen
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WDisneyRP-Lumiere's avatar
((That's more than amazing! I just have one thing to say. If you'd just held the last frame for a few more moments, maybe like 2-4 frames, it'd be absolutely perfect! ... Sorry, my inner animator just had to have some input lol))