

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

Tanglog     === English
(=?= means probably)
achi-baba ===friend
aggaba ===stop
ah-chooga moopa ===everyone out!
aka boocha ===let me out
Aka-choota ===gotta go
akootah ===gotta go
aka tiki baba ===there it is / its here/ its there (etc)
booji-boo ===loved one
bliznak ===poop (also used as the "S" word)
butifa ===cool/good/beautiful
Carabba snabba ===uh oh
Chabata =?= Come and catch me!
detaka==die / begone
Dinko te fabba=== you are fat
eegatagoo ===wow!
el ki-yo-tay=== good idea
emba-chuta ===you said it
feeboogo ===bring it on
gaba ika tasoopa? ===What's the big deal?
Goobaja ===let's go
Heegata no Fee-Bee===dont give up/you can do it(motivational)
ih ===yes
Ika-patooba=== Baldy
ika-patooki ===but head/ stupid head
iky ===yuck!/disgusting
Injibay=?= that
isa ===is/am/are (to be)
itume=?="to leave" or "to escape"
Jinjibah=?=this one(selecting somthing)
Kanjijibe. Ziz-ziz=== the act of messing with or turning on electrical equipment
katabaka dooka ===may I be destructive?
Kweesta ===literally to destroy (is equivalent of "F" word)
maka maka ===hurry
meega ===I/me
meega nala kweesta ===I want to destroy (most horribly vulgar alien swear)
meega-o-itume ===get away from me
Meeo dakka ingatta Poju nagga nagga === I Can catch an experiment without you
mockeecha ===mine
morcheeba ===very nice
naga ===no (negative)
naga-takabah ===no way
nala =?= either "to want" or "evil"
ogata ===ouch!
okey taka=== okay
Patooki ===butt
salsa ===follow me/ this way
Smish=== i understand/got it
takka ===thank you/thanks
tooki ba wuba===let's get started
Yu Porma dissy=== a mean insult to the person your talking to's mom
yuuga / tay ===you
Ziz-ziz =?= electricity/sparks

this is angels song in tantalong:

    no mootah,
    nagga to


    A-koo dite
    no taga,
    nah toom

and acording to the lilo and stitch data-bank it means this, i cannot deny or confirm this but some things do match up:

Heed me, you are in my power.
Henceforth, nothing shall be too
cruel or too abominable for you.
You can't escape.
the language stitch uses in lilo and stitch
if you have another word leave a comment with the word and description and I'll add it
also if my spelling is off please tell me so i can fix it
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TheBunnyLover92's avatar

Stitch`s language yay