Homophobia SUCKS!SuperMarioFan65 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/supermariofan65/art/Homophobia-SUCKS-847278917SuperMarioFan65

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Homophobia SUCKS!


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"I hate the word homophobia. It's not a phobia. You're not scared. You're an asshole."

— Morgan Freeman

I can't believe i have to make this stamp. This is really serious and not a happy stamp at all.

LGBT is an initialism that stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender. Pride Month is the month where all the gays would go out in parades in the streets. Pride take place in June.

It has a bad hatedom known as Homophobia which encompasses a range of negative attitudes and feelings towards homosexuality or people who are identified or perceived as being lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or other LGBTQ+ identities.

Back in 2008, Former United States president Barack Obama said that he was against gay marriage. Then later during his 2nd term in 2015, he legalized gay marriage and the whole world started making Pride Month events all over the world. This would result to mainstream media like video games, movies, shows, cartoons, books, comics and more to have LGBT representation. Some people like it and some people don't.

They think that all LGBT people are SJWs, which is not true. Back then, the Anti-SJWs used to accept LGBT stuff in media. Starting in 2020, they started to complain about LBGT stuff and harass every LBGT icon in the world. They hate Obama for legalizing gay marriage and worship Donald Trump for banning gays in most places.

On every social media app, they dislike-bomb every LBGT related. Even companies like Disney and Sony are posting LGBT content which will get a bunch of people upset.

There are hate groups like Karens, One Million Moms and the MeToo Movement that would complain about LGBT people in media. They often lash at anyone who supports LGBT and some of them have burned rainbow flags like burning flags from other countries like America.

Some parents think that being LGBTQ+ is a phase their children go through and send them to Conversion Camps to force them to become Straight because "God says so". It is why teens are scared to come out because their families are very religious or even commit suicide because of their mean-spirited parents. There are also companies like Chick Fill-A that hate LGBT people and force kids to go to camps to become straight.

There is one worst thing that the hatedom would do to LGBT people. Sending death threats and wishing LGBT people to die. Remember that terrible 2016 Pulse Nightclub shooting in Orlando, Florida? F**k Omar Mateen for shooting all those gay people in the night club. You think it's funny to see all those gay people getting shot in the night club? No! If you worship Omar Mateen on my page, then get the f**k out of my page. Those haters who wish for the LGBT people to die are going to hell.

That's all i need to say and feel free to use.

Credited to :iconwingless-butterfly55: for the stamp base.
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Spectral81's avatar

Well, of course. Being LGBTQ+ is perfectly fine, whether you're young or old!

Bigotry in general truly sucks!