Okay then...(pt3)

3 min read

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SuperKoopaTroopa's avatar


Maybe I should explain what's really my biggest reason for my recent behaviour...

Here, I feel like I'm stuck in a rut. I can look at some stuff I maybe have spent good time on to learn that it got less than 50 views. Basically, I can't really sort things out for peanuts. I don't have the heart to go through and unwatch loads of guys or leave groups. With certain games in the past I've had moments where for one reason or another I've completely lost a game save, went through again and reached much further than I ever would have on the old. This whole "fresh start" business has worked a lot in the past for me. Take SAI for example, when I temporarily moved to my mom's PC, the version of SAI I had to use had none of the modified brushes and stuff on it. And I honestly like what I did with it on saturday and sunday more than most of the stuff from before.

Just thought it might help to understand where I'm coming from...

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Red-Productions's avatar
Trust me, i feel them same way bud :(

I would comment on more work but I watch over 1000 people *i need to clean that out*