So yea my dA story in five minutes cause I gotta go soon----So basically I joined a site called prior to dA. It was an animation website. Stuff happened. Met awesome people, like @Calicara , uh who else, @EVIE128 , @SuperGoateeMaan , @Artistlover , @AeolianMode , also @gizmolover and a few other people with whom I've lost contact. Anyhow, a little while before DoInk closed I joined dA just cause so many others on DoInk were on there. Then DoInk closed, sadly... so basically all of us migrated to dA and you can find old members of DoInk in this group here: @DoInkCommunity .I've done a few things on dA, but not much... most notably...
Technically I was, just for a bit, up in the Great White North, but I'm back. It was great, I got to see McGill and Concordia, I got an awesome pair of boots, along with a ton of CD's my aunt just let me have, and I got to navigate Dallas-Ft. Worth airport all by myself. Eyup. I flew to Canada and back (with the aid of signs and airplanes) all my myself. :D It wasn't half-bad. I needed some time alone, 36,000 feet up in the sky. It's just... nice being up in an airplane. I like it. Taking some flights really re-invigorated my ambition to get my private pilot's license one day. That's real alone ti...
Hi friends! I'm SOOOOOO sorry if you had a modicum of interest in my art/presence, my absence/hiatus has been spurred on mostly through a combination of school/depression/art embargo. Yeah, instead of just a normal art block I had a year-long embargo. But! I'm up and running. And alive. AND, a senior at the University of Washington!!!! Yay.I have a story about feuding dogs called Canidae. Fear not, it is not abandoned contrary to popular belief like my 9873921873982 other works. It's still alive and I've been spending a lotttt of time honing my art/writing style, characterization, world building, etc.So yeah, I have a lot of new and improv...