With a silent prayer to Kaur, Milega tossed herself off the boat and into the water. It took a bit to get the hang of moving herself in the extra axis swimming created, but before long the stone-feathered girl was swimming in earnest. She spun unsteadily to watch odd cats with fish tails, with bioluminescence making them visible long before and long after she could make out the details of their forms. Coral lined rocky shelves, with fish of all sorts of colors with a luminescence of their own that darted around the growths. The cats swam closer, making easy gyres around her, pulling on the rope that still held around her belly. She swam after them, legs moving in ungainly circles to change her trajectory.
As she swam though, Mil felt her crest standing on end. The water was dark almost to the point of obscuring vision anyway, but just at the corner of her sight she had noticed a massive shadow, and she had the uncomfortable feeling that it was following her. With her less than
Milega was in well over her head.
The small stone-feathered armorsmith had traveled from Messus City on a small boat headed round to Kandriya, and from there planned to take another out to the middle of the water where Paschmahaa was rumored to be. As she made her way through the crowded port, wide rust eyes took in the myriad sights of multiple species coming and going, her ears and nostrils twitching as she heard -- and smelled -- the fishmongers hawking their wares and fishermen calling to each other as they sailed off in their boats again, with bulky ryno helping shift other, larger cargo from the dock to other shops. Finally the kadin just held still with her tail pulled close to her body, letting the chaos wash over her.
A deeper masculine voice saying, "Pst! Hey you kadin! The blue one!" drew an ear and then her eyes. They settled on a rusty red set of feathers, not well groomed, that belonged to a fantail toa. He was missing an eye and his fangs were distinctly yellowed.