Current Residence: hause in Johnson City, TN
Favourite genre of music: any ... notsomuch country, though.. well a little.. but not much, lol
Favourite photographer: Annie Leibowitz
Favourite style of art: Modern
Operating System: Windows XP
Favourite cartoon character: da Griffins
Personal Quote: ...i'll dew it tomorrow..
Favourite Movies
Monster's Inc -- and all things Pixar <3
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
ooo... so many
Favourite Writers
I mostly read thriller fiction: Dean Koontz, James Patterson, Greg Iles to name a few
Favourite Gaming Platform
Xbox Elite/ PS3
Tools of the Trade
pastels, paintbrushes, acrylics, and my Nikon D40
Other Interests
art, my little pony, pullips, reading.. photography... watchin' movies..drawing... painting