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Realistic Wing Tutorial - P.5



Made in Photoshop this time! :pc:

youtube Icon 3/22/10: My first video showing wing-movement ~
youtube Icon 12/3/13: My second video showing two wing's movement~
 Little Pixel Wing - White (left) 7/6/17: Fixed a stray bubble & added another view of how each feather looks with coverts attached, hope that helps clear up some confusion.
 youtube Icon 8/5/17: Disney animator describes the Mechanics of Bird Flight - watch for the useful description of how wings are built from 8:40 - 11:31.

Part 0.5 - TOOLS
Part 1 - CONCEPT
Part 3 - HARNESS
Part 5 - COVERTS :pointl: YOU ARE HERE
EXTRA -  RESULTS: See what OTHER people have made following this tutorial~ :la:

Already finished your wings? Please fill out this questionnaire, I'd love to hear about it!

Wing Design/Tutorial © Sunnybrook1
Image size
1000x4500px 2.68 MB
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I appreciate the time you took to share all of your work.  I see it is very time consuming and hard hand work.  Having 4 children,  I had to decide if I should give up on the idea or go for a flash emergency substitute.  VERSION Go the easy way.    It´s for Halloween.  So my daughter will use em for a few hours tops.   She will be a Hummingbird.  Referring to the wing patterns... I am screwed because all of the feathers spread diagonally.   We´ll see how I work that out in the end.    

It´s like a scene out of a space station movie where you have to replicate something out of what you have on hand in 3hrs.   I am opting for eliminating completely all the wire bending.   For feather bones I am using balloon sticks.  The alligator clips were expensive  here so I am going to use a bag of alligator clips that are used for  ID tags.  to fasten the secondaries with balloon sticks to the alligator id clips, I will use contact cement  or duct tape and a mini loop made of small tie wraps.   I will use  different tie wraps for all of the wire looping.   Including the bolt.  Instead of the parachute strap I have quite a bit of velcro strapping on hand.  With this I will omit the plastic clips too.         

Instead of cutting out all of the cardboard I created one big master feather out of posterboard and marked it with all of the feather measurements.   For this, I measured my kid lying on the floor and created the whole silhouette right there.  Outlined with a continuous yarn, shaped and scotch taped to the floor.  With the path for each  overlapping feather to be created.   I took measurements off of the yarn feather lengths and marked all on the one paper feather stencil.   I then cut out everything.    For the  reinforcement of  the first feathers of the fan, I have some pretty strong plastic sticks with looped heads.  They are the kind used for pulling curtains open and shut.       Running like a crazy woman here.  We´ll see what my results are. :)     BTW.  I am in South America.