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October 4, 2007
When we listen to spoken words they become a part of our being. we are made of words. by ~sunfairyx shows us that song lyrics can mark our identity. Understanding what we're all about individually really is about reading between the lines. This beautiful piece of work is a dually layered with technique and personalization.
Featured by lonnietaylor
sunfairyx's avatar

we are made of words.



Print can be purchased here: [link]


Typographic portrait for my Typo class.
This is project one. =]

I could say a lot about this piece that would make me lose my nerves all over again, so I'm not going to. :P
It took about 10-15 hours to complete, using Adobe Illustrator CS - the image in the background is my ID 5.0.

The main objective with this was to make it my own, not only with my picture but with the message of the words used. As said in my essay, I hope people get the idea of all the emotional input there is to this image. It's very personal.

In total there are about 16 lyrics printed in this:
*Words by Pablo Neruda
*"Elephant Woman", Blonde Redhead
*"I Walk Beside You", Dream Theater
*"The Point Of No Return", from The Phantom of the Opera
*"Frozen", Madonna
*"Nowhere Warm", Kate Havnevik
*"Life In Mono", Mono
*"Molinos De Viento", El Mago de Oz
*"Fly Away From Here", Aerosmith
*Words from The Crow


08.27.2007 : New image and title update.
10.06.2007 : Huge thanks to :iconpatgroove: for the feature, to :iconenchanted-black-rose: for the suggestion, and to every little comment and favorite received. You're loved!
Image size
3072x2508px 6.89 MB
© 2007 - 2024 sunfairyx
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ariya-sacca's avatar

That must have taken a long time!