Rainbow HourSun-Seeker on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/sun-seeker/art/Rainbow-Hour-200899842Sun-Seeker

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March 20, 2011
Suggester said; "I came across this image and was simply stunned by it, photographing rainbows is not easy, believe me I have tried but this looks as though the photographer has managed to get the rainbow to pose for him. It lies at each ground point next to a tree, perfectly arching the central tree, combine this with the gentle tones of the land it has made a stunning image."

Also suggested by ~Rosella-of-Deventry

Rainbow Hour by *Sun-Seeker
Featured by Anoya
Suggested by MikeShawPhotography
Sun-Seeker's avatar

Rainbow Hour



Driving back from Dunedoo there was perfect rainbow conditions light form the West from the sinking sun and rains showers to the east . 40 kms of rainbows
Image size
1280x795px 1.26 MB
© 2011 - 2024 Sun-Seeker
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radjohnson's avatar
wow. beautiful.....