AKB48: Oya Shizuka - Exceed ExpectationsSumo0172 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/sumo0172/art/AKB48-Oya-Shizuka-Exceed-Expectations-501170967Sumo0172

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AKB48: Oya Shizuka - Exceed Expectations



Shizuka Oya was originally promoted to the original Team A. During the 2012 Tokyo Dome Reformation she was transferred to Team B. On February 24, 2014 at AKB48 Group Daisokaku Matsuri she was named Co-Captain of AKB48's Team B.

Shiichan like most members was quickly pigeonholed as just another "back up" member. Talented but not expected to shine. But Shiichan had her own plans. With determination and ambition she worked her way forward. Setting herself apart with her unique talents and almost fearless willingness to do whatever it takes to win the stage. Driven by such passion Shiichan has worked her way to a place of respect within AKB48 and exceeded all expections. 

Other AKB48 portraits:
AKB48: Watanabe Miyuki - Warukii by Sumo0172AKB48: Kawaei Rina - Tobeyo! by Sumo0172AKB48: Shimada Haruka - Natural by Sumo0172AKB48: Shimazaki Haruka - As Sweet As Salt by Sumo0172AKB48: Iwasa Misaki - Enka by Sumo0172

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MensjeDeZeemeermin's avatar
Very much the swan--serious under the surface, beautiful and serene above it.  I do like the smile, but there's a hint of firmness in her mouth.  Lovely.