:: Two to Tango ::SummerDreams-Art on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/summerdreams-art/art/Two-to-Tango-607788788SummerDreams-Art

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SummerDreams-Art's avatar

:: Two to Tango ::


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Contest entry for A Play on Words by :iconwakefielddesigns:

Idiom: It takes two to tango

UPDATE: My entry for the The-Digital-Freeway contest NEW CONTEST : ROMANTIC REFLECTIONSOur next contest is Romantic Reflections.
1. It must have a romantic atmosphere,concept or Valentine's Day theme.
2. You may use any digital media or software you wish.
3. It may be any deviation in your gallery. One already in your gallery that fits the theme or a newly created deviation.
4. Only digital art is accepted with the exception of mixed media in which the artist combined traditional with digital or traditional with animation.
5. Please do not submit deviations that have mature filters, horror or gore. These will be removed with out notice.  Semi nudity in good taste is accepted at the discretion of the admins.
6. There must be at least 6 entries by the deadline for the contest to be voted on.
You do not have to be a member of the Digital Freeway group to enter this contest. our affiliate groups and entire DA community are invited to enter.
There will be 3 winners chosen..
1. First place will receive  400 points and download printable certificate
2. Second p

Also a birthday dedication to my wonderful friends: 



♥ Thanks to all the stock providers for their wonderful stocks. ♥

I  welcome every views, faves and comments and I am unable to thank each and everyone personally, so just in advance..thank you so much, know that it is greatly valued and appreciated!

My work may not be reproduced, copied, edited, published, transmitted, uploaded, or sold in any way without my permission.
Image size
1582x1200px 2.22 MB
© 2016 - 2025 SummerDreams-Art
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